Call for Submission

The Art of Nurturing Nature: Literary Submissions

The exhibition is taking place during BC Youth Week and during National Mental Health Week, so we have chosen “The ART of Nurturing Nature” as the topic for this year.

We encourage students to explore what Nurturing Nature means to them in their own lives and in their own language. Students will draw inspiration from whatever Nurturing Nature means to them, and perhaps even what it means for humans to Nurturing Nature. We believe the resulting exhibition will be a great success and create powerful conversations and thought-provoking art around the subject.

Use this Submission for Category 2 – Literary Art

Writers should draw inspiration from what "Nurturing Nature" means to them in the form of one of the following:

  • Fiction or Nonfiction Story (500-1000 words)
  • Poetry

Literary Art submissions must be double-spaced with all pages numbered using the format Page # of #. Please include your full name, email address, and phone number in the top right-hand corner of each page. Take a picture of your work to include on your submission here or send your submission directly to (emailed with title and Writers Name in the Subject line)

For more information on the Call, the Guidelines, and requirements, click here to view a PDF. 

Cost to Submit:
No Charge
Maximum Items:
Submission Dates:
Submission deadline has passed! (Apr 11 2023 9:01 pm PDT)
You cannot currently make an online submission.